Mask Group 89-2

Solve: Secure backups

Don't worry about your data again

Protecting your data with secure backup solutions 

At Zero Trust Solutions, we help you manage risk by delivering fully managed backup solutions (link to What is a secure backup software system? Blog when live) that are secure by design, protecting you against common threats, including ransomware (link to Top 10 anti-ransomware software that could benefit your business blog when live). Crucially, a secure backup solution will give you a rapid recovery solution to get your business back up and running without paying a ransom.

We help organisations protect and control their data and applications - whether on-premise, in the private or public cloud, software as a service (SaaS) or platform as a service (PaaS).

We design and implement best-of-breed bespoke solutions to meet complex data and application challenges whilst protecting from a threat landscape.   

The ethos for our research and development - along with our rigorous vendor selection and development of packaged services - removes most of the pain of market evaluation, selection, design and deployment. As a result, we accelerate your time to value - so you can realise the benefits quicker.

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Group 25180

Managed backup as a service (BaaS)  

Secure managed backup for on-premise and hybrid cloud estates, including: 

  • Our secure cloud backup solutions (link) provide unparalleled support for on-premise, hybrid-cloud and SaaS platforms whilst safe-guarding against security threats.
  • Complete secure protection with rapid recovery
  • A service to manage your data across multiple platforms
  • The service is fully managed by a team of dedicated security and data experts.

This gives you the reassurance that your data is always protected and can be recovered on demand.

BaaS Features


Ransomware Protection: including market-leading detection, prevention, and recovery from malicious data encryption or data loss.

Immutable Backups: constantly prevent accidental or malicious threats to your data.
Monitored and managed 24/7 by a team of security and data experts: with constant reporting, monitoring and alerting of potential threats and recovery services in the eventuality of data loss.  Our managed service team reduces the complexity, risk and cost of your data protection operations.

Backup everywhere - cloud agnostic: Protect and recover your data wherever it resides - on-premise, hybrid cloud, public cloud, application and SaaS platforms - to the cloud of your choice.

Pay as you go: our backup solutions can dynamically scale on demand to meet your requirements.

Lower operational costs: reduce OPEX spending, including internal resources, management and support overheads. Our cloud backup solutions (link to What is a secure backup software system? Blog when live) replace traditional infrastructure and other costs associated with backups, such as: 

  • Orchestration platforms
  • Appliances
  • Storage
  • Tape libraries
  • Tape management
  • Software and support
  • Associated risk management

BaaS Service Benefits

  • Service performance: service-level agreements with customers, with regular service reviews.
  • Vast technology support: covering a wide spectrum of applications, hypervisors and container platforms.
  • Flexible data storage: on-premise, private and public cloud options.
  • Immutable storage: constantly prevent accidental or malicious threats to your data.
  • Simple pricing model: predictable and cost-effective monthly, annual and long-term billing options.
  • Secure by design: data encryption in-flight and at rest, source traffic control, advanced ransomeware detection, alerting and prevention features.  Our platform provides you with complete control over where protected data is stored or recovered.

Backup as a service and disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS)

  • Service performance: unparalleled support for physical & virtual servers, applications, public cloud services, Microsoft 365, N365 and SaaS services.
  • Recovery from malware/ransomeware: effective and rapid recovery capabilities in the event of external intrusion and data corruption/ransom.
  • Disaster recovery: protect critical vital and physical data sources and rapid failover with our secure cloud backup solutions with near-zero recovery time objectives (RTOs)
  • Microsoft 365/N365 (NHS): protect data from cloud-based application services to your choice of targets.  Relying on Microsoft 365's default data retention protection is risky, so we offer complete protection for Microsoft Exchange online, OneDrive, SharePoint and Teams data.
  • Microsoft 365/N365 (NHS): retain data according to your business requirements or to satisfy industry or governmental data compliance regulations.
  • Manage disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS): covering virtual, physical, SaaS and multi-cloud environments.

Managed backup as a service (BaaS)  

Well-organised groups of criminals are finding more imaginative ways of breaching organisations’ defences. In recent years this has led to a surge in attacks against the availability of data in the form of ransomware. Ransomware attacks encrypt your data in place, then leave you - the victim - with the tough decision of whether to pay a ransom or suffer the consequences of losing your data. This causes business disruption during the ransomware encryption phase and until decryption (likely only after payment if at all). Or the third option: revert from immutable backups that can’t be overwritten by the ransomware.   

So, ransomware attacks are now a primary reason for implementing a disaster recovery (DR) plan for hardware failures and natural disasters.  

Group 21712

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Why ZTS?

We are a Zero Trust consultancy. 

Zero Trust Solution’s backup as a service helps you build a comprehensive fully managed business continuity plan across your hybrid IT platform. Our team will develop a customised disaster recovery runbook, aligning recovery point objectives (RPOs) and recovery time objectives (RTOs) to the criticality of services and business needs.  

IT systems rarely remain static. New and upgraded systems need to be tested regularly.  We work with your teams and conduct scheduled testing that ensures that your data is fully encrypted in transit and at rest.   

Contact us directly