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Cyber security awareness training

Ensure that your employees are an asset to your digital business

“Show your human a phish - stop a breach today. Teach your human not to be phished, save your company from many breaches.”

Train your team

Cyber security awareness training is an essential security control to guard against a myriad of threats caused by human error, and it plays an important role in a Zero Trust framework. 

Our cyber security awareness solutions enable your employees to make smarter security decisions every day, so you can focus on running your business. 

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What we offer


Train your users  

With the world’s largest library of security awareness training content. Including interactive modules, videos, games, posters and newsletters. We also offer automated training campaigns with scheduled reminder emails.  


Phish your users  

Best-in-class, fully automated simulated phishing attacks, thousands of templates with unlimited usage, and community phishing templates.  


Coach your users  

Introducing a new category of technology called Human Detection and Response (HDR), our solutions strengthen your security culture by enabling real-time coaching of your users in response to their risky security behaviour.  


See the results

Enterprise-level reporting showing stats and graphs for security awareness training and phishing, ready for management.

Reduce risk, increase ROI 

Our cyber security awareness training ensures that your employees have security at the forefront of their minds, helping to reduce: 

  • Malware  
  • Ransomware infections  
  • Data loss  
  • Potential cyber theft  

As a result, not only will your organisation stay secure, but it will also increase overall productivity as they can work with the knowledge that their workplace is secure. 

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276% ROI with less than 3 months payback*  

*A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting in April 2021 on behalf of our awareness training partner using their Total Economic Impact™ methodology.  

Learn More

What’s in the box?

Our cyber security awareness training platform not only offers the content and delivery options below, but also a bespoke schedule for success, guided by our success specialists.  

We have three options available for our cyber awareness training:

  • A SaaS platform where we can host and provide you with a unique view of your training requirements and content
  • A platform solution that you can fully manage within your environment    
  • Bespoke classroom cyber awareness training, onsite or remote   

Our security awareness training platform is priced on a per-user, per-annum basis. Additionally, we offer optional support services to guide you through your cyber security training programme to success. Get in touch with us to discuss the best options to meet your organisation’s requirements.  

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Why ZTS?

Zero Trust Solutions is a consultancy and solutions provider with a vision to empower businesses to reduce their cyber risk. One key source of risk is phishing attacks and social engineering. Cyber security awareness training is a foundational element to any cyber security strategy, whether you have a Zero Trust focus or not.  

The anatomy of our cyber security awareness training includes:  

  • An industry-leading phishing and simulation platform  
  • An industry-leading training platform  
  • Programme success management 

We also offer Zero Trust strategic, tactical, and practical consulting through our Know services - and resources through our Empower services division on short, medium and long-term basis to help you deploy your projects.