
Solve: Asset compliance

Find out more about our asset solution

Continuous internal and external compliance

As the cyber security industry matures, so too does the regulation. Particularly, this is true for the cyber insurance and payment card industry. If you need cyber insurance or accept payments for services, you will quickly find that you have regulations to comply with. 

With our asset compliance solution, you can automatically assess your cyber security compliance and easily acquire & maintain certifications. 

Does your cyber insurance application require you to have Cyber Essentials Plus (CE+) to prove you’re meeting the minimum-security baseline? Or are your payment providers forcing you to comply with the second version of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS)? There’s a good chance you will have to do so soon if you haven’t already. 

These are all recent mandates that businesses are struggling to comply with. Even if they comply, it takes a long time to prove. With our cyber security compliance partners (link to Cyber security specialist page when live), we make certifying your compliance efficient and easy – even if you have a small security team or no security team at all. 

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What you get

Always-on compliance​

  • Collect device trust signals
  • Ensure your compliance baselines are always followed, e.g.
    • Checking your laptops and desktops have the latest OS updates and patches
    • Checking for System Integrity Protection
    • Checking the host-based firewall is on

Automated proof of compliance​

  • Automatically input current compliance levels dynamically into your assessments
  • Efficiently empower your audits for:

Guided audits that will get you certified​

How does it work?

Connect the dots


A simple endpoint agent installed on your company devices: 

  • Identifies and centrally reports any cyber security compliance issues and automatically adds them to your certification assessments 
  • Notifies and reminds the user of company policies when needed 
  • Run fixes with the user to remediate any issues found 
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Process and culture​

  • Compliance becomes an automated process
  • Certifications are easier to acquire and maintain
  • People are more aware and in tune with company security policies and security culture

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Why ZTS?

We are a Zero Trust consultancy. 

We protect you from cyber attacks by equipping you with Zero Trust knowledge, skills and tools that strengthen your security posture. Our vision is to make Zero Trust Architectures a turnkey solution to empower organisations globally to mitigate cyber attacks.​ 

Whether you are building a Zero Trust roadmap or not, ensuring your controls work and are compliant with your policies so you can get and maintain cyber certifications is increasingly important.​ 

When you work with us, not only do you get the best insights into what you’re trying to protect - our consultants will help you understand the threat environment you operate in and the security properties associated with your assets.   

This puts you in the best seat to stay compliant and make your security work for your business as an enabler, not a weakness. 

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