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Know: Your
threat landscape

Attack surface & outside-in risk management

Knowing your attack surface gives you comprehensive visibility of your internet exposure through the lens of an attacker. By analysing your attack surface, you can identify your riskiest internet-facing assets and decipher which ones to prioritise.

Stages of analysing your threat landscape:

1. Discovery of internet assets

2. Probing known and unknown assets from the outside in

3. Identifying cloud exposures

4. Managing third-party and supply chain risk

5. Prioritising and remediating critical risks and vulnerabilities


Why the threat landscape?

Risk graphic (1)

"Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories."

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Asset visibility is a crucial pre-requisite for designing cyber security for both a traditional architecture and a Zero Trust Architecture. Without knowing what your assets and vulnerabilities are and which ones to prioritise, you can’t protect them.

But, if you know your enemy (cyber attackers) as well as you know yourself (your resources, assets and data), you can more effectively reduce your attack surface.


Why knowing your threat landscape is important even without Zero Trust Architecture

Even without using Zero Trust Architecture, you still need to build cyber security architectures that can reduce your attack surface.  As a result, you still need to know your threat landscape, so you know what attackers can see and what you need to protect.

Zero Trust or not, having a robust attack surface management process in place is universal in cyber security and is part of wider frameworks for secure architectures where preparing and categorising risks is key.

Why knowing your threat landscape should be done now

Organisations’ attack surfaces are growing every day as the method of cyber attacks becomes more complex. So, it’s better to prepare for the attacks rather than retrospectively cover your assets and be a victim of cyber attacks. The sooner you know your threat landscape, the sooner you reduce your attack surface.

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How knowing your threat landscape works

Our industry-leading solutions provide horizon scanning solutions that scan your network from thousands of locations around the internet to detect your attack surface in terms of reachability and vulnerabilities. The true power of this being that you discover unknowns and get insight into your assets just like an attacker would.

They perform:

1. Discovery scans to find new assets that might have existed for a long time or have just materialised

2. Probing scans that aim to understand what the asset is hosting and if there are any vulnerabilities

3. Risk assessments to help you prioritise critical risks and vulnerabilities


How it integrates with your system

Our solution also helps you remediate the problems it uncovers. Because finding your problems is not enough, it implements attack surface management procedures to help protect your assets.

Our solution prioritises previously known and newly identified assets and allocates them with risk scores that can be reviewed in the SaaS dashboard in isolation. Alternatively, for the most value, the insights can easily integrate into your existing monitoring and patching solutions.

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How we can help

We are a Zero Trust consultancy. We pre-vet all our solutions and services to ensure they integrate into a Zero Trust Architecture.

Our partners provide industry-leading Attack Surface Management and Risk Management solutions that power this service in combination with our Zero Trust-focused security solutions consulting.

This means not only do you get the best solutions, but we can also help you plan how they integrate into your roadmap and the plumbing into your existing security tooling for maximum return on investment.