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Your assets

Discover your assets and enumerate your taxonomy

Knowing your start line starts with understanding your business asset types. Without knowing your asset types, you can’t lay the foundations to build an effective cyber security strategy.

Why asset discovery?

Asset visibility is a critical requirement for designing cyber security for both a traditional architecture and a Zero Trust Architecture.

Our solutions give you an in-depth understanding of your asset types and asset taxonomy. This allows you to design your Zero Trust architectural blueprints for the assets that are relevant to your business.

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Why knowing your assets should be done now

Knowing yourself (your resources, assets and data), you can more effectively and efficiently build your security architectures. This process of knowing your assets should be applied continuously, but at least once before you start building your security architectures.

How knowing your assets works

Our industry-leading technology enables you to discover your asset types continuously. As your assets are deployed across your enterprise change, your asset inventory is kept up to date, and so is your understanding of what needs to be secured.


How it integrates with your system

Discovering your assets and updating your asset taxonomy is often more powerful when you integrate these findings into your asset inventory system – and we can support with those integrations.

We are a Zero Trust consultancy. We pre-vet all our solutions and services to ensure they integrate into a Zero Trust Architecture.

Our industry-leading asset discovery solutions that power this service in combination with our Zero Trust-focused consulting.

As well as understanding what you're trying to protect, our consultants will help you understand the taxonomy of your assets.  Putting you in the best seat to understand your blueprints.