
Virtual CISO

Elevate your cyber programme through exemplary leadership 

Higher security, less risk

Effective security leadership depends on connecting people and technology to deliver improved security outcomes. We provide flexible and transparent vCISO leadership services to support your organisation accelerate its cyber programme, raise security culture, elevate maturity and improve business outcomes. 

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CISO vs vCISO: what’s the difference? 


A CISO or Chief Information Security Officer is a senior or executive leader responsible for spearheading an organisation’s cyber security, resilience and risk mitigation programmes. Core activities involve people, processes, technology, culture, leadership and strategy.


Like a CISO, a vCISO is a part-time leadership resource that can support and assist an organisation with many of the typical duties of a CISO. A vCISO generally focuses on a blend of advisory, consulting, and programme management (LINK TO PROGRAMME AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT PAGE WHEN LIVE). However, the activities and outcomes can be defined by the client if required.

vCISO vs CISO comparison

A vCISO can offer the benefits below in several use cases (but not all): 

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A tailored service

Our vCISO services are always customised to the needs of your specific programme requirements, whether you're:

  • Building a new cyber security improvement programme
  • Expanding on a current programme
  • Transforming an existing programme 
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vCISO use cases

Many organisations can’t afford a full-time cyber security leader or don’t need a full-time strategic, advisory or delivery lead - hence a vCISO service bridges the gap. 

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vCISO services for you 

Our vCISO services blend advisory, consulting, and programme management. The client can, however, define the specific activities and outcomes based on existing gaps and priorities. See below for the selective vCISO activities that can be delivered: 


What does a vCISO offer?


Security assessments 

A vCISO can deliver a series of assessments to understand their current and future states - including risk, maturity, architecture, compliance and operational level assessments. 


Strategy development

We work with your stakeholders to develop and prioritise a plan of carefully defined objectives and outcomes to supplement your digital strategy. 


Cyber programme development (compliance) 

Our vCISOs are strategically focused but equally hands-on. It includes further developing the cyber programme with standards and frameworks adoption and improvement. 


Security transformation 

We provide the appropriate vCISO based on the client’s requirements, including transforming cyber services based on mergers and acquisitions, such as healthcare integrated care systems. 

Controls framework and standards implementation

To achieve higher levels of assurance and compliance, our vCISOs use a variety of standards, frameworks, and best practices.


Controls framework and standards implementation

To achieve higher levels of assurance and compliance, our vCISOs use a variety of standards, frameworks, and best practices.

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Why ZTS?

Visit the Empower section of our website to discover our services on short, medium and long-term basis to help you deploy your cyber security projects. And to learn more about our other security leadership services, visit our Programme and project management page.